Attributes of the Divine Feminine

The Divine Feminine is the mysterious, wise, and fertile Mother. Both creator and destroyer, she brings death so that there may be new life. She encourages growth, healing, and renewal. Her beauty and wild, sensual nature can be devouring and terrifying, but she is a compassionate and merciful being. She brings light to the darkness that we may learn to love it and freely express our creativity.

This word map was created on Word Clouds, using descriptions of 48 feminine deities from diverse cultures and traditions, taken from Goddesses Knowledge Cards® with text by Michael Babcock.

One thought on “Attributes of the Divine Feminine”

  1. Yes! When we accept our “whole” feminine nature, body, mind and spirit, especially our sensual body, our power is realized and magnified in our creativity and authenticity which is transferred to our “love” relationships because we’re more loving to ourselves.

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